Blog v Wiki
Blogs and wikis are both products of new media that provide information to one reading it; however, there are some key differences. A blog is basically an online journal that allows for a single person to voice their news. A business owner could share news on their business, or a sports athlete could share news on the team. These blogs are mostly for personal use therefore, not everyone has access to make changes or create their own story; however, could create a discussion by leaving comments. A wiki on the other hand provides more access to add, edit or remove information anytime one wants. Groups could coordinate their assignments/activities easily with a click of a button. Even though they might be different, they both are beneficial new medias that play a role in convergence in today’s networked world. Blogs and wikis are two ways that permit one to express/promote themselves which in turn, allows them to network and get their names and thoughts out to more peopl